A volk, or a language community?


A volk, or a language community?

Three decades after South Africa became a full-fledged democracy, we suddenly have an ‘Afrikaner/Afrika Initiative', an ‘Afrikaner Declaration', an ‘Afrikaner Foundation', and an ‘Afrikaner Leadership Network'. What are the Boers cooking up now? Prodigal Son MAX DU PREEZ ponders.

FACT: most Afrikaans speakers are not white, but the voices of the white Afrikaans speakers are exponentially stronger than those of the others. And it is only they who seek to build an ethnic nationalism on the language.

The new, lively debate about being Afrikaans and being an Afrikaner was sparked last month by a letter from the CEO of the F.W. de Klerk Foundation, Christo van der Rheede.

“My Afrikaans says no to the absolutism of the concept of Afrikaner," he wrote (https://www.netwerk24.com/netwerk24/stemme/menings/christo-van-der-rheede-wat-sit-agter-die-afrikaner-agenda-20240820). “My Afrikaans rightly asks what lies behind this agenda to cleanse the concept of Afrikaners from its mixed origins, to reserve it exclusively for white Afrikaans speakers, and along with it, to create a pipeline consisting of an Afrikaner declaration, an Afrikaner foundation, and an Afrikaner leadership network that does not promote unity but rather brings division and distrust."..

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