The news that makes a merry-go-round go round


The news that makes a merry-go-round go round

ALI VAN WYK explored the annals of the world's interwebs for some entertaining stories and memes, including Tolla van der Merwe's best.

Who Misses old Snorre?

Just a suggestion. Perhaps they should make it mandatory for all rugby captains to conduct their post-rugby interviews with the help of helium in the future.

Only Three More Sleeps!                             

Cartoons from around the world

The ceasefire in Palestine, the California fires, and New Year, still occasionally, dominate the international cartoon platforms.

Truant, French cartoonist, from Cartooning for Peace. January 16, 2025.
Truant, French cartoonist, from Cartooning for Peace. January 16, 2025.

Allan McDonald is a Honduran artist who produces work for syndication in America. January 13, 2025
Allan McDonald is a Honduran artist who produces work for syndication in America. January 13, 2025

Monireh Ahmadi is a female artist from Iran who syndicates worldwide. January 16, 2025.
Monireh Ahmadi is a female artist from Iran who syndicates worldwide. January 16, 2025.

January 7 was the tenth anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo massacre. Olivier Ploux is a French artist how works for the Swiss newspaper Le Temps, and who syndicates worldwide. January 7, 2025.
January 7 was the tenth anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo massacre. Olivier Ploux is a French artist how works for the Swiss newspaper Le Temps, and who syndicates worldwide. January 7, 2025.

Becs is an Argentinian artist who syndicates worldwide. December 27, 2024.
Becs is an Argentinian artist who syndicates worldwide. December 27, 2024.

Crazy Little Memes

Andy Bush makes lists of the kind of people that give him the creeps. You also get people who clap in movie theatres. Yikes!

And you know those comrades who spent two days in Paris and now can pronounce everything in perfect French. Flippin' irritating, if you ask me.

Anybody with teenagers?

Three memes that demonstrate why things were better with landline phones and letter writing.

Ali Wong's advice to middle-aged men.

At least the guys who have mastered the word “woke" have also learnt how to use the words “narrative" and “immigration" – which few schools manage to achieve.

To all the overthinkers out there.

Every Mix Masala must carry at least one “off" joke.

Old but gold

Ja, it is Afrikaans, but maybe one of the funniest examples of folk story telling in the history of Mzansi.


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