’n Brief aan Trevor Noah


’n Brief aan Trevor Noah

“Kaantie Trevor, this kak don’t sit well with me.” Só het ’n Twitter-storm op 9 Maart begin nadat kwetsende verwysings na bruin mense in Trevor Noah se 2016-memoires, Born a Crime, opnuut onder die soeklig gekom het. MICHAEL WEEDER, die dekaan van Kaapstad se St. George-katedraal, het die komediant en The Daily Show-aanbieder in dié ope brief op Facebook tot ’n gesprek uitgenooi.

  • 20 Maart 2020
  • Vrye Denker
  • 11 min om te lees
  • artikel 5 van 22
  • Michael Weeder

IN sy boek, Born a Crime, skryf Trevor Noah: 

Most coloured people don’t speak African languages. They speak Afrikaans. Their religions, their institutions, all of the things that have shaped their culture, came from Afrikaners.

The history of coloured people is, in this respect, worse than the history of black people in South Africa. For all that black people have suffered, they know who they are. Coloured people don’t...

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