Portret | Die klipperige pad na Trump-Damaskus


Portret | Die klipperige pad na Trump-Damaskus

Selfs van sy vriende wonder soms hoe werk die kop van die man wat visepresident van die VSA gaan word as Donald Trump in November die verkiesing wen, skryf WILLEM KEMPEN.

DONALD TRUMP het glo op die laaste oomblik nog getwyfel of J.D. Vance die beste keuse as sy spanmaat is in die stryd om die Withuis. En toe hy uiteindelik die aankondiging doen, het alles wat Vance in die verlede oor hom te sê gehad het, oral weergalm: Trump is 'n “idiot,” “noxious,” “reprehensible,” “the fruit of the [Republican] party’s collective neglect,” “unfit”, 'n “total fraud”.

Op Amerikaanse Independence Day net vier maande voordat Trump in 2016 tot president verkies is, het Vance in The Atlantic (https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/07/opioid-of-the-masses/489911/) onder die opskrif “Opioid of the Masses" geskryf:

What Trump offers is an easy escape from the pain. To every complex problem, he promises a simple solution. He can bring jobs back simply by punishing offshoring companies into submission. As he told a New Hampshire crowd – folks all too familiar with the opioid scourge – he can cure the addiction epidemic by building a Mexican wall and keeping the cartels out. He will spare the United States from humiliation and military defeat with indiscriminate bombing. It doesn’t matter that no credible military leader has endorsed his plan. He never offers details for how these plans will work, because he can’t. Trump’s promises are the needle in America’s collective vein...

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