BOEKUITTREKSEL | Wil ons Die Kat as ons volgende president hê?


BOEKUITTREKSEL | Wil ons Die Kat as ons volgende president hê?

Fred Daniel, een van talle burgers wat deur roofsugtige politici geteiken is, het teen die plaag van korrupsie in Suid-Afrika opgestaan om sy droom van 'n natuurreservaat naby Badplaas – hy het dit Nkomazi genoem – te red. Sy nemesis is adjunkpresident David Dadebe Mabuza, wat vroeër aan die hoof was van verskeie departemente in Mpumalanga. Daniel het die afgelope 15 jaar meer as 20 hofsake gewen, waarin sy eise van korrupsieverwante teistering as geloofwaardig aanvaar is, skryf die gesoute joernalis REHANA ROSSOUW. Dié uittreksel verskyn in die oorspronklike Engels.

  • 30 Oktober 2020
  • Nuus & Politiek
  • 8 min om te lees
  • artikel 15 van 31
  • Rehana Rossouw

ON the night of 29 July 2008, about 6 kilometres of game fencing on Nkomazi, valued at R500,000, was torn down. A few days later Fred received information that a march had been planned to Travelport, his retail centre, petrol station and gateway to the Cradle of Life. He asked John Allen to report this to the Badplaas police station. Allen went there at 8 am on 2 August and found only one policeman on duty, who said they had been told not to interfere in the demonstration as it was a political matter.

All the other police officers had left town, leaving him alone in the charge office.

During the demonstration, a crowd barricaded the intersection of the main roads to Barberton and Badplaas by setting tyres alight. Traffic was forced to a standstill. By 9.30 am another group of protestors gathered at the Machadodorp–Badplaas junction, about 100 metres from Travelport. They burned tyres and toyitoyied around the flames. Allen called the Badplaas police station...

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