Private offices add hefty bill to cost of SA’s bloated cabinet
The private offices of SA's 28 cabinet members and their deputies cost taxpayers around R550m annually, according to answers supplied in response to questions in parliament, writes DAVE CHAMBERS.
Private offices add hefty bill to cost of SA’s bloated cabinet
The private offices of SA's 28 cabinet members and their deputies cost taxpayers around R550m annually, according to answers supplied in response to questions in parliament, writes DAVE CHAMBERS.
ON top of their R2.5m salaries and their state-supplied houses, cars and generators, South Africa’s 28 cabinet ministers have private offices that each cost R8m annually, on average.
Thirty-six deputy ministers earn just over R2m but their private offices each add another R5m to the bill taxpayers foot.
In total, ministerial private offices provide employment for about 450 people ranging from domestic workers to chiefs of staff. The total does not include special advisers...
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Dave Chambers
JournalistDave joined the “great resignation” and now freelances for a range of South African publications.