Electric fences tip scales against pangolins


Electric fences tip scales against pangolins

Poaching grabs the headlines but electric fences kill about 20 times more pangolins in South Africa. Now an academic has set out to solve the problem, writes DAVE CHAMBERS.

A POACHED pangolin is guaranteed to grab a headline or two, especially when it leads to a 10-year prison sentence or the poachers try to sell the animal for R250,000 in a shopping centre car park, both of which happened in South Africa last year.

But the biggest threat to South Africa’s population of scaly anteaters isn’t poachers, who are thought to account for between 50 and 100 pangolins every year. Humans, though, are definitely implicated because annually, up to 2,000 pangolins are killed by electric fences.

These creatures, with armour that ensures they have few natural predators, die wrapped helplessly around the electrified tripwires that legislators and insurers often require either side of a 2.4m electric fence. ..

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