Dankie Bokke en Rasnaber, ons kon ’n slag verby ras kyk


Dankie Bokke en Rasnaber, ons kon ’n slag verby ras kyk

Bokke, julle manjifieke bliksems. Natuurlik skryf MAX DU PREEZ oor Saterdagaand se rugbytriomf en oor hoekom dieselfde euforie laas in 1994/’95 beleef is. Hy besin ook oor hoe die Midde-Ooste ná die Gaza-konflik gaan lyk en oor wêreldvrede.


1. Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa ná die Springbokke se naelskraapse oorwinning teen die All Blacks wat die Webb Ellis-trofee vir 'n rekord vierde keer aan hulle besorg het: “‘Stronger Together’ is a belief that came to life for Springbok supporters all around our country and continent, and the world.”

2. Daar is vele bitterbekke in die Suidelike en Noordelike Halfrond wat sukkel om die Springbokke se prestasie te aanvaar – Sam Cane moes nie 'n rooi kaart gekry het nie; Siya Kolisi moes een gekry het; Bongi Mbonambi het gelieg oor sy besering; die skeidsregter was blind en partydig, ensovoorts. Die rugbyskrywer Jonathan Liew het 'n meer genuanseerde mening in The Guardian: “There are times when South Africa’s rugby team can feel – illusorily, but persuasively – like the only thing really holding together this divided country, with its 12 official languages and infinite planes of ethnicity and history and privilege, with its endemic instability and its useless politicians. In reality it is a kind of utopian cosplay, a rolling 80-minute fantasy of what South Africa might be like if it truly were content and united. But it is an origin story as powerful as any the sport has to offer, and so perhaps when you are this convinced of the sanctity of your mission, you will stop at nothing in its pursuit … It may not have been the most romantic or straightforward outcome. But in a weird way, the sport of rugby union has the champion it richly deserves.”..

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