15 questions for Josie Borain


15 questions for Josie Borain

South Africa's first supermodel, who has worked with big names such as Bruce Weber, Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein, now lives in Vermaaklikheid where she runs her coffee shop at the weekend and takes reservations for their holiday cabin on the banks of the Duiwenhoks River. LAUREEN ROSSOUW asks the questions.


1. What do you read first thing every morning?

I do Wordle then Duolingo in Japanese.

2. What do you listen to in your car?

Silence if possible.

3. Who are your favourite writers?

Lee Child and Barbara Kingsolver and many more obs, for different reasons.

4. Your favourite quote?

“You never know” a quote.

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5. What is your most marked characteristic?

I’m a “vault", meaning I can keep a secret. And my annoying humour that goes down like a lead balloon.

6. Whose work as a photographer inspires you?

Irving Penn, Bill Cunningham, Dorothea Lange and Elliot Erwitt, to name a few.

7. What do you think of Annie Leibovitz?

I like her work, looks like she has a good/big crew working with her as her shots are very set up and styled.


8. Who do you admire?

Jacques Cousteau, Muhammad Ali and many in between!

9. What were you planning on doing before you became a supermodel?

I wanted to train dolphins when I was young, but then I saw they only did tricks for food, and captivity is not cool. Then I fancied the idea of marine biology but ya, ooops.

10. Your favourite place in the world? Where would you most like to live?

I could live anywhere weather dependent; I don’t need a permanent residence but I have pets, Kit Kat and Jonah, so I’m kind of stuck at the moment.

11. If you could choose three people, dead or alive, to have dinner with, who would they be?

Madiba, Muhammad Ali and Monique Schiess.

12. And what would you serve?

Caprese salad — “real mozzarella" obviously, braaied lamp chops, potato bake and loads of different salads.

13. Your five favourite Instagram accounts?

These I discovered in Covid







14. What is your idea of style?

Black/black/and grey

15. Your favourite restaurant?

I like easy restaurants, don’t want too much attention from the waiter, but probably the two fanciest restaurants I’ve ever been to were the Quilted Giraffe in NYC and La Tour d’Argent in Paris.

♦ VWB ♦

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