Stand up, South Africa 3.0


Stand up, South Africa 3.0

South African politics received an injection this week that might just give new life to our insane body politic. Rise Mzansi epitomises a basic need among most voters that the reset button should be pushed, and a better, citizen-oriented South Africa imagined, with an emphasis on solutions rather than rhetoric and politicking, argues MAX DU PREEZ.

THERE was no rhetoric or battle cries. No amandlas, vivas or toyi-toying.

Just a sense of urgency that we need to start building South Africa 3.0. The actual New Dawn that Cyril Ramaphosa never delivered.

The driving force behind Rise Mzansi is Songezo Zibi, 47, former editor of Business Day and someone with a lot of corporate experience. His biggest asset is that he is not a politician. He presents himself as a visionary, the herdsman from Mqanduli in the Eastern Cape who made it in the big city and is angry at how the ANC has ruined the country...

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