Die pastoor is spuls en Julius is op die etenstafel


Die pastoor is spuls en Julius is op die etenstafel

Só sê die mense hierdie week ... want feite is vreemder as fiksie.

  • 10 Mei 2019
  • Vrye Denker
  • 4 min om te lees
  • artikel 11 van 32

Nou gaan als anders wees (regtig?)
Ons is vasberade dat diegene wat skuldig bevind is aan korrupsie of betrokkenheid by staatskaping nie toegelaat sal word om posisies van verantwoordelikheid te beklee nie, nie in die ANC, die parlement of die regering nie. Die era van straffeloosheid is verby. Ons betree nou die era van verantwoordbaarheid. Ons betree nou die era van nagevolge.
– Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa by die ANC se laaste verkiesingsvergadering verlede Sondag
Busi kap wéér na Pravin
Ek ag nie mnr. [Pravin] Gordhan se gedrag regdeur hierdie ondersoeke as beskermend of behulpsaam jeens die Openbare Beskermer om die kantoor se onafhanklikheid en onpartydigheid te verseker nie.
– Die Openbare Beskermer, Busisiwe Mkhwebane, in 'n brief aan pres. Cyril Ramaphosa
Hier kom ’n Deng
The current climate – of being on the cusp of renewal and revival, of real change – brings to mind the election of Deng Xiaoping to the helm of the Communist Party of China in 1978. Deng came to power at a time when China was facing international isolation and coming to terms with the effects of policies pursued by Mao Zedong during the Great Leap Forward. The “opening up” of China’s economy took place in tandem with the so-called Four Modernisations introduced by Deng.
– Enoch Godongwana, voorsitter van die ANC se subkomitee vir ekonomiese transformasie
‘Mammie, kom kyk wie sit op ons eetkamertafel’
We are not fighting against whites. We are fighting to sit on (sic) the dinner table. White people, you will no longer eat alone. We are coming to sit on the dinner table and if you are refusing us on the dinner table, we are going to destroy that dinner table. No-one is going to eat until all of us in South Africa eat from the same dinner table.
– EFF-leier Julius Malema by sy party se vergadering Sondag in Soweto
Hell no.
– Caster Semenya op 'n vraag of sy medikasie gaan gebruik om haar testosteroonvlak te verlaag
Stem vir die DA, want DD 
A weak ANC mandate coupled with a strong showing for the DA can only strengthen Ramaphosa’s so-called reform agenda. Under a stronger ANC, the fate of 58 million South Africans hangs on a single person. This is an extraordinarily high-risk outcome. Were Ramaphosa to be recalled by his party, South Africa would be left in the hands of deputy president DD Mabuza, who has looted and allegedly killed his way to the top.
– Senior DA-leier John Steenhuisen in 'n brief aan The Economist
En ja, stem vir die ANC, want DD 
Ramaphosa was elected in 2017 because key ANC figures, most notably current deputy president David Mabuza, believed the ANC could not win this election if it was led by the Zuma faction.
Ramaphosa’s credibility with some ANC power brokers depends, therefore, on showing that he can stem the ANC’s decline at the polls. If the ANC improves on its 2016 vote, Ramaphosa will have presided over the first increase in its vote for 15 years. This will greatly improve his chances of winning re-election as ANC president at its next conference in 2022 because it will signal to ANC politicians that he can deliver more seats.
– Akademikus en politieke kommentator Steven Friedman
Laat die kindertjies nie na hóm toe gaan
Jagse Apostel: Gay outjies op hol oor kerkman se zol
– Hoofopskrif in die koerant Son
Die hiëna
Democrats don’t seem to get it. “It’s in the rules" is not an argument that works on Donald Trump. You’re playing Monopoly with an hyena. When it bites you and shits on the board, saying “it’s not your turn" doesn’t work.
- Komediant Bill Maher
Trump se pyn
Despite the tremendous success that I have had as President, including perhaps the greatest ECONOMY and most successful two years of any President in history, they have stolen two years of my (our) Presidency (Collusion Delusion) that we will never be able to get back… The Witch Hunt is over but we will never forget. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
– Tweet van Donald Trump
Dis seerder vir hulle as vir hom
Ons glo daar moet 'n vorm van lyfstraf op skool wees. Onderwysers en ouers moet geleer word dat daar 'n verskil tussen mishandeling en regstelling is. Omdat daar nie meer lyfstraf in ons skole is nie, ervaar ons goed wat ons nie jare gelede ervaar het nie.
– ACDP-leier Kenneth Meshoe
Wassie ekke nie
Die ANC het nooit in enige vergadering gesit en die stigting van alternatiewe politieke partye gesanksioneer nie. Die sekretaris-generaal was hard aan die werk met organisering, stemwerwing sodat ons op 8 Mei sal wen.
– ANC-woordvoerder Pule Mabe in reaksie op 'n beëdigde verklaring dat Ace Magashule en Jacob Zuma gekonkel het om die African Transformation Movement (ATM) te help stig

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