- 06 September 2024
- Vrye Denker
- 23 min om te lees
- artikel 8 van 22
Angela TuckVWB se ontwerp- en kunsdirekteur
My suster skrik vir niks
IN ONS grootwordjare was die staatsgesondheidstelsel die norm vir ons gesin van sewe. Om dokter toe te gaan het beteken om na “ongevalle" te gaan waar jy jou beurt afgewag het met jou gebreekte arm of afgesnyde vinger (ware storie). Suster Twee het hierdie gewoonte tot diep in volwassenheid volgehou; sy is 'n buitepasiënt by staatshospitale en klinieke in haar tuisdorp, Gqeberha. Al dekades lank.
Sy het nie 'n hospitaallêer nie. Sy het hospitaallêers wat soos fragmente van die Dooie See-perkamentrolle lyk. So ook haar liggaam. Gefragmenteerde dele, stukkende dele, gewonde dele wat nodig het dat slim mense bymekaar kom en oplossings bied. Vir haar, en die honderdduisende Oos-Kapenaars wat dieselfde nodig het.
Maar die Oos-Kaapse gesondheidstelsel is stukkend. Gebreek. Gebroke.
Breaking Bad.
Teen die Paasnaweek van 2024 het Telkom alle landlyne na noodoproepsentrums opgeskort weens onbetaalde telefoonrekeninge wat tot nou na R50 miljoen gestyg het. Voorrade soos suurstof en verbande word nie afgelewer nie weens verbysterende onbetaalde fakture. Die jaarlikse begroting van sowat R30 miljard moet ook voorsiening maak vir geweldige medies-regseise teen die Oos-Kaapse departement van gesondheid. Die provinsie het die grootse aantal vakante poste, meestal vir verpleegsters.
Die aspirasies van die Freedom Charter van 1955 of Jesus se wonderwerk om 'n nederige offer van vyf brode en twee visse te vermenigvuldig om duisende te voed, is fopnuus as jy nie eers 'n oproep in 'n noodgeval kan maak nie.
Twee dae ná haar 54ste verjaardag sou Suster Twee in die provinsiale hospitaal opgeneem word om toetse te ondergaan … om 'n lang storie kort te maak … van haar brein.
Die familie se WhatsApp-groep pieng al ons woorde en foto’s (en GIF's en emoji's). As sy net van die onophoudelike pyn in haar kop ontslae kan raak, dink ons as een en dan al hoe meer van ons terselfdertyd begin tik.
- All the best for the hospital tomorrow xxx; Let me know what you need; We are here for you; Send pics of the food or any badly-dressed people; Tell the aunty everything.
Suster Twee stuur ’n foto van haar bed om 10.30 vm.
- Looks like a hotel 🤣; What lovely linen the Provincial has!; Must say place looks nice and clean.
Suster Twee antwoord: Moet net nie badkamer toe gaan nie.
Ons WhatsApps eis konstante updates van Suster Twee.
- They did tests to check the nerves behind eyes. They put in drops that open your pupils and everything looks weird and flashing 😂🙄 not in a fun way. Lens is very tilted due to pressure in my head. Going to Livingstone Hospital tomorrow for MRI which should show more. Managed a little nap before supper.
Suster Twee resenseer die hospitaal se aandete om 16:30 van “curried baked beans and spaghetti 🍝".
- -7 out of 10. Would not recommend.
Broer Twee kom die gesprek binne van Washington DC af.
Dit was nag een.
Die MRI-resultate arriveer saam met ontbyt.
- They are now moving me to Livingstone to see the neurosurgeon. Seems to be a collection of fluid on both sides of the brain (probably blood). Wasn’t on previous MRI so newish. Will have to hear what neurosurgeon says. Not sure if they will keep me overnight or if I’ll come back next week. Who knows.
Na 'n vlaag vrae bevestig Suster Twee dat die druk in haar brein te hoog is om 'n lumbale punksie te doen om die pyn te help verlig.
- Bleeding on both sides of the brain it seems. Yay me.
Ons kan dit alles lees behalwe die woorde ná “transverse”.
- Transverse sinus filling defect – basically blood clot.
- Still waiting for ambulance to Livingstone! Friday afternoon 😔🙄
My familie sit vir niks nie
Die WhatsApp-groep gaan in krisismodus om 'n ambulans te kry om Suster Twee van die provinsiale na die Livingstone-hospitaal te neem. Die rit van 6,8 km sal 12 minute neem. Nie 'n ambulans in sig nie. Suster Twee ken hierdie storie. Maar nie ons nie. Al wat ek kan bied is:
Intussen het Suster Een ('n gesoute verpleegster in die ware lewe) iets om te sê.
- Have to drain haematoma. Shunt. Cannot have that kind of pressure build up ... I am only a labour ward sister ... but sounds horrendous. Why can't someone take you in a car ... or if so urgent, Dr G can take you in his car?! I am getting a pressure build-up myself!
Ons eindelose voorstelle word onderbreek deur (slegs) een Bybelvers van Moeder Teresa (Romeine 8:28) en slegs een (lang) storie van Suster Een oor hoe pasiënte “in my little Figo" geneem word om hulle elders te laat heropneem. “I just notify the matron after the fact".
Maar dit is nie die eerste rodeo vir Suster Twee en haar bilaterale breinbloeding nie. Dis nou donker en nog geen ambulans nie.
- Looks like there are no ambulances to take me at the moment so I’ll go when there is one. Whenever that is. Tonight or in the morning. It’ll work out. Nothing we can do. So we wait.
Maar Suster Een is nie klaar nie.
- May I just say that I do not think incompetence of the hospitals, doctors and systems is of the Lord's doing. If it is, I will seriously have to change my religion!
Nag twee.
Nuwe dag. Nuwe daeraad. ’n Ambulans!
- On my way to Livingstone hospital.
Suster Twee stuur 'n foto van haar nuwe omgewing in Livingstone se “SOC". Sy verduidelik dit staan vir “Specialists on Call" (soort van 'n chirurgiese ongevalle).
Tjop-tjop het sy die MRI and bloed word getrek.
- Nothing like a teaching hospital. Just blew three veins in one hand. Forgot to take tourniquet off and blood everywhere 😂.
Baie streng Suster Een het terugvoer.
- No man, rookie error. Must be training staff. No trained person would do that!
Nag drie.
- Neurosurgeon was here now. About 14 years old. Says bleeds look about three weeks old. Rare to be on both sides. Are sub-acute not acute. (So dangerous but not very dangerous). Not huge. She can’t read the venogram for the clot. Someone else does that. She would rather do burr surgery than a craniotomy but they need to do baseline tests first and my INR for my blood. So I’m staying here tonight. Moving to ward 1A and they will check in tomorrow. (They took more blood now). I’m sure nothing will happen until Monday now. Thanks for love and care.
My sibbe lag vir alles
- Now you know if I were the neurosurgeon I would be able to read the venogram.
- I will google burr surgery. Rest.
- I have researched burr surgery and will be the family expert moving forward.
- All fine. Nothing happening today. Breakfast was at 10:38. Morning meds arrived at 12:30. It’s a miserable day here so all the doctors are staying home.
Die WhatsApp-groep sluit nou Parys in aangesien Moeder Teresa en Broer Twee hul Olimpiese Spele-kommentaar op die dagblad lewer.
- Lythe Pillay … Nene running now … Oh dear, Nene only came 4th. But these are amazing athletes … Simbine in 100 m. Time 9.90 … Simbine did great. Could shock the world in the final tonight … Benjamin Richardson – I’ve never heard of him. Just missed out. Ran v well in semi … Sekgodiso ran v well. Into the final … That was the best 100 m final ever!!!
- We love Noah Lyles.
Susters in Stilte.
Die Olimpiese Spele-kommentaar deur Moeder en Seun duur voort, want Broer Twee is “pretty sure the Kenyan steeplechase champion ran past the barrier!!!” en Ma sê sy “moes repechage Google” maar Broer Twee sê: “Ask Ange. She knows French from Jeppe. Egalité!!!”.
Nag vier.
“Enige nuus van die baai af?"
- Dr S came earlier & mumbled about waiting for results of tests and venogram, and waiting for surgery. Said they would discuss when doctors were here on rounds. So presume no results from late Saturday yet. To be clear it’s not exactly like they show you on Grey’s Anatomy 😔. There is still a huge backlog after the NHLS hack.
Nag vyf.
- Decent run from Shawn. He just graduated from University of Houston. Coached by Carl Lewis ... Gabby Thomas. Elite athlete. Spectacular person. Harvard educated. And a sight for the eyes (quote from Aunty Irene!).
- The whole Neuro team and Prof have arrived now – just saw them starting rounds. Hoping for proper one-on-one time with one of them today so I can get through my list of questions.
Ek sê vir haar om alles te onthou wat ek haar geleer het.
- Group of doctors here just now with Prof. 1st time he was here. Asked him all my questions. Need another CT scan to see if it’s still bleeding or not, and CT angiogram to check blood clots and then make decisions based on that.
Ek stel voor dat daar steeds bloeding moet wees gegewe die oormatige pyn en ek terg haar: Dis nie asof jou brein skielik gegroei het nie.
- Not sure if it’s still bleeding or if it’s stopped bleeding. It’s the pressure that's now causing the pain. We stopped the blood thinners on Saturday, need to ensure blood isn’t too thin before surgery so I don’t bleed out on the operating table.
And maybe my brain did grow. Your feet do!!!!
“Jou brein het nie gegroei nie."
- No date for surgery yet. Prof has taken my file so I presume that’s progress. All the specialists mumble. And don’t look at you. And their underlings are petrified of them.
Nag ses.
Moeder Teresa is deur die pasiënte in Suster Twee se saal “Gogo” gedoop omdat sy, wanneer sy kan, opdaag met roomysbakkies van lekkernye om te deel. Sy het vandag 'n skinkbord van haar tuisgemaakte konfyttertjies gebring. En toiletrolle.
- Some happiness amongst the pain! 😁 I had this with coffee instead of hospital supper. Delish! Now I need a nap. I didn’t get any naps in today and our mad friend started screaming and swearing like a sailor at 2 am 😂.
Nag sewe.
“Enige nuus?"
- Hi All ♥ I’m okay. Bored with hospital now but will be here a while still it seems. 🙄😔 Dr S was here today. Started a new med for the bleeding. Still waiting for my scan to happen today. He said that Prof said the op will only be next week. Will do MRI on Monday to map for drill holes. Sounds like fun. Apparently 2-4 days in hospital after surgery. So probably most of next week 🙄. I did panic when I couldn’t find surgeon by googling him – but it helps if you know how to spell his name! So, I’ll be here for at least a week or so! Hopefully home in time to welcome Sister One and Niece One to GQ.
Nag agt.
- Great to see Tebogo from Botswana get gold. He beat Lyles who came 3rd.
“Update, asseblief?"
- No mass or lesions detected on the brain. Only the bilateral brain bleeds and the transverse filling defect (blood clot). “Only” 😂. No date yet. Not too hopeful it will be Tuesday. Zozo, my new bff, has been here for nearly a month (also Neuro patient – spinal surgery, and keeps getting told Tues, Thurs, Tues – yesterday they promised next Thursday!
Ek verseker suster Twee: Geen letsels beteken daar is nog 'n kans en ruimte vir jou brein om te groei.
- This is my surgeon. He has been everywhere from Mthatha to Washington. Other docs say he is excellent. Was offered position in UK. Decided to stay and give back to community here.
Moeder Teresa is nou mááál oor die “teruggee-prof." Ons bied elkeen 'n oorsig van sy voorkoms en is bly dat “hy nie op 'n bankie hoef te staan om jou grrrroooot brein in die teater by te kom nie".
Suster Twee is altyd “oukei” ten spyte van die afwesigheid van inligting of vordering in die teenwoordigheid van uiterste pyn en ongemak.
- I’m ok. Same. No change. Bored after 10 days in two different hospitals, with possibly 7 more to go! But all ok. Thanks ♥
Dit was Nag 10.
Ons wag en in ooreenstemming met die familie se breintema word my volwasse dogter na die Constantiaberg Mediclinic gehaas ná sy 'n paar keer skielik val. Tydens haar eerste hospitaalverblyf het sy elke denkbare toets van 'n MRI tot EEG's, die beste neuro-wetenskaplike langs haar bed, sorgsame verpleegpersoneel, voedsame kos, vlekkelose linne en 'n badkamer om met een ander pasiënt te deel. Dis nie lekker nie. Dis skrikwekkend. Maar haar Big Girl mediese fonds verkry vir haar onmiddellike, betroubare hulp.
Ek sal enigiets doen vir Suster Twee om hierdie vlak van gesondheidsorg te hê: “Ek wens jy was hier, Suster Twee”.
- Me too.
Maar Suster Twee verander die onderwerp en pronk met bekroonde Oos-Kaapse dokters.
Natuurlik gee ons vir hulle al die blomme via WhatsApp maar ons wil oor breinchirurgie praat. Die prof is sedert 07:00 in die teater.
“Stel jou voor hoe gedissiplineerd en versigtig jy moet wees soos die dag aangaan.”
- Imagine. I’d prefer to be in the first three patients. Esp with a drill going into my brain. And not to be too precious but I’d also prefer not to have the assistant handle the drill. Just for the first one at least 😄.
Maar ek stel voor dat die prof, sy assistent en teaterverpleegsters elkeen 'n beurt maak om te boor, want vier gate is nodig.
Daarmee sluk Suster Twee, staatmaker van die struggle vir staatsgesondheidsorg, 'n paar sterk pille wat sy in haar toiletrol versteek het en probeer slaap.
Nag 13.
- Morning. Finished taking scans of my 🧠. Let’s see what Prof says when he comes, whenever that may be later today. He is doing surgery most of the day so only late afternoon.
Heelwat later.
- Hi guys, Sooooo, I will be having the surgery tomorrow sometime (hopefully early). They will actually be doing both sides at the same time. ♥ Apart from massive headache and on the verge of snacking* rude nurse, I’m ok. A bit nervous I think, but just want it done and over with. A few days in hospital afterwards and then recover at home for a bit. Doc was here now explaining surgery in detail. Too long for typing but plan is burr holes with a possibility of a mini-craniotomy because of involvement of membranes. Just means larger area shaved and cut. Area closed with plates and screws.
Suster Twee klaar die snacking* tikfout op.
- Smacking! Tho' slapping, punching, hitting ... any of those would work rn.
- The holes started at 1,5 cm in diametre each but today he said it could be about a 10 x 3 cm area on each side! And just as my hair was starting to look acceptable! Having been bald numerous times, all I can say is hair grows.
Moeder Teresa raak stil (huil) maar Suster Een sê dat 'n vagina tot 10 cm rek om 'n baba uit te druk (wat ons almal reeds uit persoonlike ondervinding geweet het). Sy voeg by dat sy haar deftige Suster-uniform met die epaulette en baie kentekens sal saambring wanneer sy die volgende dag uit Gauteng kom kuier sodat sy die verpleegsters kan oplei.
- It’s fine. I need very little from them 😔. I’ll get my clinic to do wounds when home. I specifically asked about ICU. Apparently not. Come back to ward. BP machine on all the time. We’ve learned who to ask for help/things and who to avoid. If it were full craniotomy then ICU but not for this. So, it’ll be fine. Just get it done and get out of here. Surgery will only be in afternoon as they have surgeries that must go to ICU first.
Suster Een beweeg naatloos van vroedvrou na neurologie en ons kan amper hoor hoe haar vingers die sleutelbord op haar foon slaan:
“Neuro OBS from what I remember. Pupils, equal and reacting. Reflexes, both right and left hand side of limbs. Speech, when you can talk ... slurred. Orientation: alert or confused (obviously drowsy from anaesthetic). It is endless. Do they have a 🔦? Stethoscope for chest? 15-minute observations! Record observations, alert Dr if worried about anything! Escalate problem if s/he does not respond.”
- An intern, Rachel, just came to introduce herself. She will do pre- and post-op checks. Phew! The relief I feel knowing that it’s not all in the nurses hands (most don’t wash hands 😂).
Suster Twee se selfoon word in die saal gesteel.
Suster Een stuur 'n foto van haar pen.
My familie wag vir niks nie
Môre is uiteindelik die dag. Ek besluit dat ek Suster Twee by haar hospitaalbed moet verras. Vertel die huishouding. Sê vir kollegas dat ek nie op sperdatum by my lessenaar sal wees nie. Vertel vir ma. Bespreek retoervlugte vir 'n 48-uur reis. Ek besef dat Suster Een en Kleinnig Een op dieselfde dag GQ toe is, twee ure voor ek land. Terwyl ek ’n oornagsak pak, dink ek my in hoe ons almal in Moeder Teresa se aftree-eenheidnbymekaar kom ...
Broer Twee meld aan vanaf St. Louis, Missouri: I’m praying for a steady hand for the surgeons and for nurses who are skilled and kind, and don’t need to be smacked!
Suster Twee is toegerus met 'n rugsteunfoon.
- Please all use this number for me in the meantime. Looking forward to Sister One and Niece One arriving and having time with them.
Nag 14 is verby.
6 am
- Surgery only later but they just gave me a pre-med Valium, so I'm taking it. I'm happy to go in a little chilled.
12 noon
- All good. Still waiting. 2nd surgery went to theatre at 10:15. They have brought me a very sad-looking hospital gown 😁 and a massive cardboard tag that goes around my wrist to make sure they do the right surgery 😅 It looks like one of those tags they put on your toe in a morgue 😒.
Moeder Teresa probeer ons uit onvanpaste grappe ruk en vra: Is everything spelt right?
Ek gaan aan boord by Hek A11 nadat ek op die lughawe gescam is deur 'n onverbeterlike verkoopspersoon wat lewensveranderende gesigserum verkoop. Sy tik dit aan op my gesig en hyg: Look! No puff! No puff, terwyl ek prewel: Suster. Brein. Bloeding. Chirurgie.
- I'd prefer the nurse spelled burr hole and not borehole but close enough I guess.
Moeder Teresa was vandag al twee keer op Chief Dawid Stuurman International (ja, regtig) Airport; eers om Suster Een en Kleinnig Een te gaan haal en nou, vir my. Ons gaan dadelik na Livingstone vir besoekure wat streng van 15:00 tot 16:00 is. Volgens Moeder Teresa moet ons vroeg opdaag om parkering te kry, maar met ons aankoms is dit duidelik dat sy bekend is in hierdie omgewing en verby die veiligheidsoom en sy knipbord gewuif word.
Die vier van ons is gelaai met pakkies: Skoon linne, flesse kookwater, klere, bakkies aandete en sakkies versnaperinge, 'n pienk SteriStumpie, toiletrolle ... Ons probeer byhou by Moeder Teresa wat ons soos 'n Onward Christian Soldier na die oorlog aanmarsjeer.
Ons staan tou, word deurgesoek vir wapens, draai regs, met die trappe op, in die gang af, verby kleiner wyke en reguit in saal 1C in.
Suster Twee is duidelik die Saalmonitor. 'n Konstante stroom besoekers nader haar vir antwoorde en raad. Sy verduidelik waar selfone versteek kan word terwyl geliefdes in die teater is, watter verpleegsuster mens kan nader vir hulp, wie om te vermy; toiletrolle word deurgegee, sy doen verslag besoekers oor wat met hul ma's en susters gebeur het in hul afwesigheid.
Ons doen die saal-ontmoet-en-groet soos kerkgesinne. Trek “lakens" om meer van 'n matras te bedek, help iemand regop, was die saalwasbak met vingers en die ontsmettings-handwasseep, krap aan plakkers op die verslete meubels. Ons maak grappies. Ons lag vir die jurk wat wag vir die operasie, die “borehole-" toonetiket. Ek neem Suster Twee se hare af voor dit weg is. Moeder Teresa maak goed bymekaar om te was en terug te gee. Suster Een wieg soos 'n resiesperd by die wegspringhek.
Daar is geen teken van enige chirurgie binnekort nie.
- So brilliant to see BOTH of my sisters here today! I can't believe you are both here. Amazing. Enjoy your night together.
Terug by die aftreesentrum wag ons vir nuus.
- Surgery is now only tomorrow because the other surgery is running long. At least they brought my pain meds now.
Prof Muballe was dié dag 18 uur in teater.
Nag 16.
“Hoe’s saal 1C vanoggend?"
- Dr S came just now. Said he was off yesterday afternoon so didn't know I didn't go to theatre. Said I mustn't eat and he is going to find out when I'm being done and get back to me. 😠😤🙄
- The not eating is a good sign but honestly very little (no) communication. Nurses don't know anything. Gown and stuff for theatre still at my bed. Sister is going to call Dr again.
Ure gaan verby.
- Not operating on me today.
Nag 17.
- Glad you're home safely! No words to express gratitude for the huge surprise and expense and effort to be here to support in my time of need, again xxx
Nag 18.
Veilig by die huis sukkel ek om te slaap terwyl ek mev. Marais van saal 1C onthou.
Haar hospitaalbed is gedeeltelik bedek met 'n laken; deels omdat die hospitaal nie meer baie heel lakens het nie. Sy wil haar onderklere aanhê; iets tussen haar naaktheid en die plastiek van die matras. Sy roep die verpleegsters om haar te help.
“Ek het die reg op my onderklere!”
Uiteindelik skree 'n jong verpleegster in iets soos 'n uniform van oor die saal: Jy het twee hande. Doen dit self!
Mev. Marais draai na die venster, gestreep met jare se grys stof en vuilheid, haar rug na die saal.
Nog 'n Maandag.
- Drs were here now and confirmed surgery for tomorrow! Number 3 on the list again & only 3 surgeries planned. I'm now in a smaller ward, only 6 of us, so a bit quieter. And because it's the first ward, you actually get nearly a full cup of tea for breakfast 😂.
- I saw the docs walking past. They didn't come into my ward. Eventually went to find Dr S. He didn't know I was here. No one told him, he says, so I was nearly not on the list!! He went running down the passage saying, ‘I must get them to change the list, I'll come back!'
- He and Prof came back and confirmed I'm back on the list.
“Gaan slaap. Dis laat."
- Two of the patients in my ward are shouting that they are going on strike!! Because the ward has run out of tramadol. Only panado available! Chanting: they are trying to kill us with pain! So much for a quieter ward 😂.
"Hoe voel jy oor môre, Suster Twee?"
- All went fine today at least. Everything ready for tomorrow, just praying for no emergency that gets me postponed or something similar! I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm petrified, but I am quite nervous – not so much scared as a bit anxious (if you get the difference?). Reading a peer reviewed study on the outcomes of the surgeries was probably not a great idea – but knowledge is power! And I'd rather not be surprised! Once through surgery, will be able to deal with any recovery – whatever that is. I'm 75-80% confident all will be well 🧡. New anaesthetist ordered me a pre-med, so any nervousness before theatre should be reduced 😅
Nag 20.
My familie is reg vir enigiets en alles
8 vm
- All looks on track! I've had my pre-med 😁, just waiting for the lovely gown and tag! First surgery went in, so hanging in there. Will update when I have news. Love x
12 middag
- Okay ... Here we go! They are coming to fetch me in a few minutes! Just putting on the delightful gown! Theatre may be long, so don't panic! I'll be in touch when I can! I love you all! xxx
Vyf uur later.
- Alive.
Suster Twee het die klokkie gelui vir hulp. Geen antwoord nie. Die braking was ekstreem. Die pyn ná die operasie onhanteerbaar. Nefie Twee (ook bekend as Naasbestaande) is daar. Moeder Teresa en Suster Een ook. Hulle maak skoon en doen navraag oor pyn- en naarheidmedisyne, maar word met aggressie begroet. Die verpleegsters sê hulle sal Suster Twee bystaan wanneer die gesin vertrek. Sekuriteit word ontbied om die gesin uit te kry.
Die WhatsApp-groep is stil.
Nag 21.
- I'm ok. Sore but less nausea. Gave drip last night for nausea.
Suster Een vra oor bloeddruk en pynverligting.
- Waiting for doctors. Haven't done blood pressure. Anaesthetist was here just checking in on pain. Didn't understand why they aren't giving me the injections she wrote up! She called the sister to the chart and pointed it out!! They said they didn't see it 🙄. I'm sure they did. You can't miss it. They are selective about who they help. Anyway they gave me a 7,5 ml morphine injection now which should kick in soon xxx
“Totally shocking!"
Nag 22.
Dag 23 en Suster Twee word ontslaan en in die sorg van haar kinders geplaas.
- Pretty much whole body appears to be black and blue. From trying to put drips up or drawing blood. Literally took 3 times every time. Eye bruising quite yellow now but not much swelling. Incredible size wounds and still serious pain and nausea. But one day at a time. Do not recommend this surgery. 0/10.
Ek bedel foto's van Suster Twee se kop.
- This is not a burr hole #justsaying.
Suster Twee is 'n vegter wat nie vir spesiale behandeling in enige omgewing vra nie. In plaas daarvan pleit sy vir diegene wat die minste het, wat die meeste ly, in stilte. Sy was in 2019 in dieselfde saal en sê die agteruitgang oor vyf jaar is verbysterend.
- It costs nothing to be kind 🧡.
Die lyding van die armes en dié wat gemarginaliseer is, is sigbaarder wanneer hulle in hospitaalbeddens lê, sonder familie wat besoek, en wanneer hulle min aandag kry van oorwerkte of onverskillige personeel.
Die brode en visse is teruggehou. In plaas van 'n wonderwerk is daar 'n barre leegte. Waar is die harte en hande wat bereid is om selfs 'n klein deel van hulself te bied aan diegene wat dit die nodigste het?
♦ VWB ♦
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