‘Doll dear, you brokes my heart’


‘Doll dear, you brokes my heart’

CHRISTOFF ODENDAAL was in 2012 'n eerstejaar in Wilgenhof en later ook primarius. Hy onthou 'n ander plek as die een wat nou al die aandag kry.

  • 02 Februarie 2024
  • Vrye Denker
  • 10 min om te lees
  • artikel 5 van 27

WHAT can an Ouman say? Dis 'n groot fokken ramp.

It’s not so much even that 88 and the Toe-argief have been put on the front page of newspapers. It’s more that everything feels so… wrong. How many of us knew before last week that 88 was a Neo-Nazi code? Probably not zero. But probably not most of us. How many Nagligte among you donned those pointy hats thinking: “The South will rise again! Yee-haa!” But all we’re bloody talking about is Nazis and the KKK.

I think it’s important to acknowledge that everything wasn’t perfect. We are, after all, a male residence in South Africa in the year 2024. And Wilgenhoffers aren’t created anew out of thin air in their first year, unaffected by a South African upbringing. Racial and gender undertones come with the territory. Over five years living in Die Plek, I saw many promising black and coloured Wilgenhoffers becoming disaffected, losing interest, maybe even despising it...

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