Special report | Arthur Fraser: The monster fed by Cyril


Special report | Arthur Fraser: The monster fed by Cyril

Cyril Ramaphosa had several opportunities to get rid of Arthur Fraser. He ignored them all, then messed up his response to Farmgate. In doing so, writes JACQUES PAUW, he has jeopardised his own future and endangered the intricate investigation into one of state capture's biggest villains.

THE omnipresence of Arthur Joseph Peter Fraser hangs like an ominous phantom over the political survival of Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa. 

South Africa’s most disgraced civil servant seems to have the presidential cojones in a vice and is squeezing Ramaphosa’s political life out of him. 

This is a man who was at the centre of the capture of the very institution – the State Security Agency (SSA) – that must safeguard the integrity of the president, the republic and its citizens...

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