The fast way to get healthier by changing your eating regime
Time-restricted eating is catching on, and ever more convincing research points to benefits ranging from weight loss to improved gut, heart and brain health. ANNELIESE BURGESS takes a deep dive into the science and says it's clear this is not just another dieting fad.
The fast way to get healthier by changing your eating regime
Time-restricted eating is catching on, and ever more convincing research points to benefits ranging from weight loss to improved gut, heart and brain health. ANNELIESE BURGESS takes a deep dive into the science and says it's clear this is not just another dieting fad.
THREE meals a day starting with a hearty breakfast – the so-called most important meal – and regular snacks to keep the body fuelled. This is the conventional wisdom about what constitutes healthy eating.
But there is a growing body of research supporting the view that our bodies and brains have evolved to function optimally when they receive food only intermittently, and that periods without eating have the same healing effect as sleep. Other claims for intermittent fasting are that it can enhance our ability to cope with stress by making cells more resilient, improve mental and physical performance and protect against ageing and disease.
It's not about calorie restriction or what you eat. It's all about when you eat, and means frequent periods with little or no food – something that rarely happens in the modern developed world, where for many people food is available 24/7. ..
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Anneliese Burgess
JournalistAnneliese Burgess is a former co-editor of Vrye Weekblad. She was awarded the ATKV-Mediaveertjie for investigative journalism in 2023.