The future of South Africa’s international security is with its people


The future of South Africa’s international security is with its people

ANDRÉ PIENAAR spoke about the future of international security alliances when he addressed young American diplomats at the Meridian International Center in Washington, DC last week. These are some of his thoughts and he also writes on the Guptas’ real role in state capture, Jacob Zuma’s links with the Kremlin and how the Russian/South African nuclear deal was scuppered.

INTERNATIONAL security alliances have a new lease on life because of Russia’s war of aggression on the Ukraine.

NATO now includes new members, Sweden and Finland. The alliance has proven to be resolute in support of the defence of Ukrainian democracy.

Closer to home, the members of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are rallying to fight an extremist Islamist insurgency in Mozambique...

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