Not a full three weeks, LOUIS DE VILLIERS protests. He will go overboard at the banquet of cycle tours on offer, but as a connoisseur he will avoid the boring stages that are an inevitable part of endurance sport.
NO man, now you will disappear again for three weeks, my housemates complain every year at this time. Not the entire three weeks, I offer lamely. I only watch when the hills are steep or when I have nothing better to do, which admittedly happens often.
Sometime during the lockdown, my interest in cycling's three Grand Tours lapsed into a kind of fatalistic fanaticism. Even if I'm not watching, the TV is on channel 206 just in case I suddenly hear the commentators shouting excitedly.
It's the Giro d'Italia...
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Sports writer vanishes for three weeks
Not a full three weeks, LOUIS DE VILLIERS protests. He will go overboard at the banquet of cycle tours on offer, but as a connoisseur he will avoid the boring stages that are an inevitable part of endurance sport.
NO man, now you will disappear again for three weeks, my housemates complain every year at this time. Not the entire three weeks, I offer lamely. I only watch when the hills are steep or when I have nothing better to do, which admittedly happens often.
Sometime during the lockdown, my interest in cycling's three Grand Tours lapsed into a kind of fatalistic fanaticism. Even if I'm not watching, the TV is on channel 206 just in case I suddenly hear the commentators shouting excitedly.
It's the Giro d'Italia...
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Hallo! Welkom by Vrye Weekblad. Ons inhoud is nou in Afrikaans én Engels beskikbaar.
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Louis de Villiers
JournalistLouis de Villiers was a journalist, but open-plan offices and Internet 2.0 buckled him a little.