Chris Hani: Character assassination and bloody execution


Chris Hani: Character assassination and bloody execution

DEBORAH STEINMAIR was confronted with uncomfortable truths and fascinating facts in a sensational new book about a turning point in our history.

  • 05 Mei 2023
  • Vrye Denker
  • 7 min om te lees
  • Deborah Steinmair

IN 1993, my husband and I lived in Dawn Park near Boksburg with our  three-year-old daughter. Our house looked like all the others in the street: newish and square with a lawn in front and some peach trees in the backyard. It was our first home, almost affordable.

We were proud of the fact that ANC bigwigs such as Chris Hani and Tokyo Sexwale lived in our neighbourhood, hopeful that everything was going to change and everyone would live together in peace forever.

The Afrikaans press, especially Rapport, demonised Hani as a communist who incited violence and wanted to set up an army with Winnie Mandela, but to me his face was that of a good man; he looked like a sweetheart. Also, Nelson Mandela loved him, and we all adored that dignified old man...

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