The dangerous fantasy world of Iqbal Survé and his Independent minions


The dangerous fantasy world of Iqbal Survé and his Independent minions

In this first of two parts, JACQUES PAUW explains why he is not surprised by the revelation that Independent Media wants to help topple President Cyril Ramaphosa as leader of the ANC in December.

Pretoria News editor Piet Rampedi, known on Twitter as Mr Putin @pietrampedi on 16 June 2021:

ALMOST a decade ago, Dr Iqbal Survé bought Independent Media, a company that owned real newspapers with credible journalists and substantial circulations, with generous help from the Public Investment Corporation (PIC).

Within a few years, Survé then transformed Independent Media into a collection of publications of mass fabrication to satisfy his narcissistic personality, to promote his other businesses, and to boost the radical economic transformation (RET) faction of the ANC. ..

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